Blog 5

During our first round of peer review edits I practiced annotating my peers metaphor essays more globally than locally. To be honest, this was my first time actually focusing on the bigger idea of the author’s essay, rather than just focusing on editing the small grammar errors. Although this was my first time editing with this approach, I found it to be very successful. While reading my two peers essay’s, Lucy and Daisy, I was able to pull out each of their main ideas. I was also able to follow the thread of connections that Lucy was making between metaphors and one of her family members illnesses. The most successful skill I think I have accomplished while peer-reviewing more globally was being able to leave suggestions for my peers more confidently. After being able to understand and connect to the authors bigger idea, I felt that ignoring all of the grammar issues allowed me to really understand what the author was trying to get across. Before taking peer-reviewing down a more global route I use to hesitate leaving suggestions on my peers paper. When peer-reviewing locally, I felt like I didn’t understand the authors ideas well enough to criticize what they were saying. Being able to dissect the authors work more allowed me to see what they were missing in their paper, I also got the opportunity to see what they included in their paper that I maybe forgot to include in mine. I was able to strike ideas for my own essay by connecting to the ideas in my peer’s. Overall, I feel like peer-reviewing globally was really interesting because I was able to se how many different ways metaphors can possible impact someone which helped me see the importance of metaphors even more.

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