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My first impression on the ePortfolio’s potential is both positive and negative. The first thing that I noticed when setting up my ePortfolio was that we were able to chose from many different templates. Each template had a different menu bar design, home page and the ability to add pictures or stick to a simple color background! It was easy to make our ePortfolio our own by adding quotes in our subtitle! When I was building my ePortfolio homepage I loved how I was able to add my own background image, for my image I chose to add a picture of a beautiful sunset in New Hampshire which symbolizes my home state and where I am from. I was also able to adda quote that describes what I believe in.

During my senior year of high school I took a business class in which we had to make a fake law office website page, the website interface that we used made us build our website from scratch and I found that adding pages, text boxes and images were way too difficult on the website that our teacher had us choose.

Some downsides of this interface that we are currently using is that I do not think it is user friendly for newer website users. I found that you have to go to a separate web link to edit your page. It is also very difficult for someone like me, who isn’t a master website designer to edit each blog because there are so many buttons on the left hand side of the editing web link that it becomes overwhelming.

One feature that I do find easy to use on this website builder is that when you have different categories for your website page, after you write out each blog it is very easy to add your blog post to whichever category that you wish. All you have to do is go to the right side of the page and click the box within which category that you choose to add it into!

Overtime I think that is interface will provide me with new website building skills that I did not have before.

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